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What does the LGBTQ+ Acronym stand for?

What does the LGBTQ+ Acronym stand for?

Here's a simplified explanation of the letters in the LGBTQIA+ acronym:

L: Stands for "Lesbian." This term refers to women who are attracted romantically or sexually to other women.

G: Stands for "Gay." This term is often used to describe men who are attracted romantically or sexually to other men, but can also refer more broadly to anyone who identifies as homosexual.

B: Stands for "Bisexual." This term refers to people who are attracted romantically or sexually to more than one gender.

T: Stands for "Transgender." This term is used to describe people whose gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth.

Q: Stands for "Queer" or "Questioning." "Queer" is an umbrella term that can refer to anyone who is not heterosexual or cisgender. "Questioning" refers to people who are still exploring their sexual or gender identity.

I: Stands for "Intersex." This term is used to describe people who are born with physical sex characteristics (such as chromosomes, hormones, or genitals) that do not fit typical male or female categories.

A: Stands for "Asexual" or "Ally." "Asexual" refers to people who do not experience sexual attraction, while "Ally" refers to someone who supports and advocates for the LGBTQIA+ community.

+: Represents other identities and orientations that are not included in the main acronym. This can include identities like pansexual, genderqueer, or Two-Spirit, among others.

    1 comentario

    I would never say that A is for Ally. They have everything else, they don’t get to barge into our community. An ally doesn’t need to be included in our representation in order to support us.

    Also, I think saying either Asexual or Ally lessens the representation of asexual people.

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